Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Want the Truth?
I'm FREAKIN scared! We have about 1 week until school starts! It feels like we just got out of school now we're going back in!?!?! What's with that? Like come on! It's my first year of high school. I'm going into grade 10, which is exciting because I don't have to deal with the pigish boys anymore and it a fresh start, and sucky because it's a fresh start and because I won't know where to GO! I'll probably be late like a THOUSAND time! I HATE being late! HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT! Though I'm late a lot, I hate having all eyes on me and that's what happens when I'm late!Boo:(...Well I had a REALLY good summer! Very busy! I was all over the place!

Tomorrow I'm going shopping for school supplies! WOW! It feels like yesturday I was chucking my school supplies in the lake! :(:(:(

Whatever I'll get over it.
My favorite quote is:
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”