Monday, September 27, 2010

High School

So high school isn't bad at all. Infact its pretty awsome! Way better than junior high! I feel a lot more free! I'm a lot more realaxed there I don't really care what others think of me. I do what I want wear what I want. People aren't as judgmental and the classes are SO much easier! LOVE IT! :)
It's nothing like the steoro types at all!
My classes are really easy I have drumline which is hitting a drum with a stick for an hour and fifteen minutes! Than science which I never liked science but my science teacher is so awsome he makes things so clear! So this is like the first year I actually understand science! And english well english is TO easy! Like its so easy its boring! We were learning how to put re and play together! Like common! I wanted to take English 10 not English 10 plus ( Eng 10 plus is all year Eng 10 is half) but my teach put me in English 10 plus cause I had trouble with my spelling! And with math well it's prob my hardest subject but its not even really that hard! So over all high schools great!
And I don't really give a crap about what people think of me anymore.
Oh and I turn 15 this wednesday! Woot woot! :)
Bye Be :)