Sunday, June 20, 2010

My First Blog!

Want honesty?

Here it is, I hate school...

we have exam's, my 2nd one is tomorrow and all together I've studied for about 2 hours! Not much at all! So I'm a little stressed, plus the guys are pigs and the girls go along with it, it's disgusting!

So that was my honesty of the day! Now I'll tell you a little about myself. My name is Michelle, I'm 5'7 and I have brown hair brown eyes, I've been told that my smile is my best feature, quote on quote "My smile lights up the room!". I'm not afraid to say how I feel and what I think. If I mad you'll know it, if I'm happy you will to. Though sometimes I can be quite people still know what I think, I'm not good at hiding things. When I'm agry and I don't express it you can feel it, my friend says my eyes express all my emotions. People say when I'm angry and I don't say anything but my eyes show it all its 10x worse then when I express my emotions out loud. Anyway I'm very expressive, I'm creative and I love to have fun!

Some things I love to do it row, take pictures, play the guitar, swim, and writing- like poetry and stories. I just got into taking pictures not that long ago, I mean I've always loved taking pictures- I was always the one to be taking pictures at special events- but now I'm doing something with it. I'm taking pictures of all these things that weren't much and turning them into art.

That was my honest time of the day!

Hope you enjoyed, I know I did! :)

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